Friday, January 23, 2009

Short Winter Poems For Short Winter Days

This absence creates a war – My legs bubble I’m sure
with pips of post undoubtedly that my sh my sh my
short xmas trouble &

_____________________ that woman is staring at my ecstasy.
your swiss cheese plant
melts my heart
I have been standing at my window for Marble &
the last three weeks watching the sun-gloves stop my
go wondering why it would do tht why fingers tickling
4.30pm. & so I remember it’s winterrr loves or
& so _______________________ pulling
_____I shut up, Rebecca.____________triggers.
my botanical name
is a hot handed shame
If I am a hollow tree, then if I am a hollow tree then If I
am a hollow then if I am then I am.

If I am a broken record breaking hearts, and if I am a br
oken record breaking hearts and if I am broken and hollow
I would not tell you, or the ocean or a big red bus or
A bright yello taxi or any combination of lorries:
R e d y e l l o red yellowredyellored red yellowyello red yellow

Or if I am a smashed window then I’ll borrow tht, I’ll
Borrow. I don’t mind.

If I am a hollow tree then if I am a hollow tree then if
I am a hollow tree then I don’t mind.
a crash of pollen
ruined my Stollen
This absence creates a war, a sleek plastic leaf that
curls us up inside. I wouldn’t mind.

I crunch up my home-made home and package it
neatly in a Le Creuset casserole dish for one.
Shor, it’s fine, shor.

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